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Covid Safer Travel

Exploring tools to return to life and travels:
Site launching soon — still a work in progress.

Travel with safety in mind

Advocate vaccines for the world

Gather and celebrate with precautions

Covid Safer Travel

We have a couple of grey years behind us: and a complicated but hopeful year ahead. Covid Safer Travel is committed to what we are calling an "optimism bootstrap." With you, we want to envision a healthy world back to normal, where we can celebrate and travel again. And together we'll use that optimism to inspire friends and family to get vaccinated, so we really can get back to life.


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With Covid still out there, it won't be completely safe to travel. But there are steps you can take to lower risks. We're gathering information about hotels doing their best to keep you reasonably safe, and pushing hotels to do more than "Covid Theater." In addition to finding best practices, you can also find hotels in various regions of the world.


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Are you inviting friends to your home? Last year many lives were lost at family celebrations. How do you ask your aunts and uncles to wear masks without just starting political fights? We're gathering advice from communication experts and providing sample invitations.


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In 2020-21 many people lost any sense of control over their lives, and have been grasping at any certainty they can find. Join us in exploring communication techniques that work in a fearful world, and advocating to get vaccines across the planet as fast as possible.

Wear a N95, KN95 or similar

Maria Godoy of NPR presents a great article on what you really need for a mask. The advice is simple: when you wear a mask, wear one that actually keeps you safe from Omicron such as an N95 or equivalent.  Click here to read more or here for CDC guidelines on masking.

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Why you should NOT try to catch Omicron

Sandee LaMotte of CNN cautions vaxxed and boosted readers NOT to try to get Omicron to get it over with. These reasons include

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  1. It's not a bad cold
  2. You could get long COVID
  3. You could spread it to children (who are less vaccinated)
  4. You will stress the health system
  5. Don't mess with Mother Nature (no really!)

To read more, click here...


Can You Travel Without A Vaccine?

You can, but it will definitely make your life more complicated.  Some countries won't allow unvaccinated travelers to enter.  And when traveling domestically in the US, each state has different testing rules for allowing you on a flight.  Want the whole scoop?  See this March 3, 2022 post from NerdWalletVaccine image

Covid Science and Health News

Understanding Risk

Turning once more to Katelyn Jetelina, a professional epidimiologist, we get her take on relative risk of COVID.  Rather than just reporting percentages, she adopts a relative risk measure called the micro-mort (MM) which gives risk in terms of death per million.  In this post, she compares relative risks of dying of COVID to driving, flying, and serving in Afghanistan for a year.  Breakdowns are also given based on age and vaccination status.  The bottom line is that your relative risk can depend on a lot of things, but f

Results of Denmark's Removal of COVID Restrictions

Carolyn Crist of WebMD writes about the state of affairs in Denmark where they lifted all COVID restrictions in February 2022 which is 81% vaccinated and 62% boosted (see summary here).  In addition to growing case counts, hospitalizations and deaths in Denmark have increased by nearly a third - providing a cautionary tale to other countries which may be thinking of acting similarly.

COVID-19 Crisis in Ukraine

In this article by Thaisa Semenova of the Kyiv Independent, we see how war has exacerbated the spread of COVID, and how this new crisis in Eastern Europe is likely to prolong the pandemic.  Given the low vaccination rate of Ukrainians, the article underscores the need for effective communication strategies to promote vaccination as well as the need for the availability of vaccines on the ground.

I will turn this plane around if you don't put on that mask!

Remember when you were a kid on the way to somewhere fun - but you wouldn't do what you parents asked you to do (whatever that was)?  Invariably, if you stood your ground, there was the invitable "I will turn this car around" speech.  Well it's finally happened with an airplane flying from Miami to London.  The incident involved a non-mask-compliant passenger and a flight crew that had clearly had enough.  Read more below, but take note of the intended message - you have to properly wear a mask to fly these days.  See more from Marnie Hunter and Pete Muntean of CNN