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Traveling to Europe

admin —2021-05-27
First opensource image I found that looks like a travel destination in Europe

January 2022 is not a good time to go to Europe. Omicron's spike is hitting fast. In mid-January, the UK is reaching a plateau: if you make plans for even a few weeks from now, there are very good odds that rates will be falling. Much of Europe was hit later, and so will see their peaks later. Still, Omicron is fast: you might cross your fingers and make plans for March. 


A few points worth emphasizing:

  • Have a backup plan. Omicron usually doesn't send healthy people with booster shots to the hospital. But it often sends you to your room for a week with something comparable to a really nasty cold. Test before you get on the plane; stay in hotels where you can quarantine if you have to. I would strongly avoid hostels or shared bathrooms: unfortunately budget travel and safety are not likely to align.
  • Check cancellation policies, check if you can get credit if you have to delay a trip, and look for small hotels that are sometimes better able flex.

Starting points and recommended readings:



@ToDo:  Write about Covid Passports and rules for Americans visiting Europe.

Image credit: "a backpacking travel to europe R011-018" by kokorowashinjin is licensed under CC BY 2.0 (Is this image staying @ToDo)


"European Union set to allow U.S. travelers as Covid restrictions lift" . (Title says it all) EU Travel: How To Get An EU Digital Covid Certificate (That Doesn’t Exist) The EU is struggling to make travel workable starting in July — but hasn't worked out the kinks yet.
