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Covid Safety Done Wrong in Samara

admin —2022-02-01
There is, as far as I can tell, exactly one hotel that is making demands of travelers, insisting they wear masks. In Samara, lots of places have signs for mask wearing, and everyone ignores the signs. Often this includes staff. To be a little pushy about our opinion: we find it unethical to impose greater risks on staff than they impose on you; if locals wear masks then not just safety but respect means honoring local decisions. We found one hotel that demands guests wear masks on the property. Frustratingly, it just advertises mask-wearing the same as everyone else. On you'll see "The fine print" with lots of the same officious language everyone else uses when they aren't serious. They don't come out front and say: "We know this is rare in Samara, but come to our hotel only if you want to wear a mask and be around others who wear masks." But after all that, after enforcing mask-wearing in outdoors in the ocean breeze, they say: "It is not possible to stay at this property for Coronavirus (COVID-19) quarantine purposes." For the community in general, I think the most important single step for open air hotels in the tropics is to make sure people don't have to get in a cab if they do get sick: to be ready to help people quarantine at your hotel if they get sick there. So the one hotel in Samara [Case del Mar] that enforces masks is a place I would never stay. It advertises basically taht it